Upon many months of work, we have finally launched our store at Monzuki.com. This is our next chapter in presenting you an opportunity to own a piece of artwork or a product of great design. Help support the craftsmanship and the creative talents by owning a little bit of goodness in your life, and to continually stimulate your mind and awareness of life through art and design.
Our currently collection is a series of Hot Air Balloons from Kolene Spicher. These are printed on high resolution, acid free paper with wood framing. We currently carry Tote Felt Bags, and Portable Fireplaces which uses Bio-Ethanol fuel for an eco-friendly safe for indoors and outdoor usage.
As we continue to grow, we will stride to bring you additional artwork and products from many talented artists and designers. Please support us by signing-up to receive information of newly acquired artwork and products as well as discounts for our members. Join us on our Facebook or check back frequently for updates. If you are an artists/designers and would like us to represent your work, please contact us. In the meantime, we will continue our passion to blog about art and design.