Alex Chavez is an experienced artist, painting portraits, murals, still life, and figure drawing using water based paints. He switched to digital when he moved to Taos, New Mexico because he wanted a "photo real collage" to the series of mandalas. He quoted, "I've been working in digital photo montage since 1999. My newest series of images are recombinant modern takes of old art." You could view his work at the Taos Fall Arts Festival, September 25 - October 12.
Part of being human is sharing. Ever had a friend who enjoyed sharing experiences of what they found, heard, or invented? Well, Monzuki is your friend. We introduce Art and Design to stimulate your mind and awareness by presenting a platform for creative artists to publicize their talented artwork, curated by Monzuki.
All work posted on Monzuki has been granted permission by the Artists and/or the company they represent. For more information about the featured Artists and their Artwork, please click on their personal links.