You may view his work as dark and morbid, but there is something beautiful about his work. Is it the composition? The sepia tone? The subject matter? It is Chris Anthony's visions in its entirety which makes it amazing. It pushes us to explore the unfamiliar territory of the darkest part of life. He quoted on Eyemazing Gallery 159 which sums it all. "Most people are closed off to anything dark and sinister and just don't want to look at it," he states. "I have no problem looking into the darkest recesses of the human condition. And I think it's healthy to do that."
Growing up in Europe with frequent travels to Italy, his influences comes from visits to churches and museums, British Victorian painters, Pre-Raphaelites and Symbolists. To capture the mood, he normally uses vintage lenses dated back between 1860 to 1910. Most of the clothing and props are his personal collection.
Chris has directed music videos and commercials, but he is slowly returning to his passion as a photographer. His latest series of work, titled "I am the most normal person I know." I would like to conclude that his photography definitely sparks an emotional reaction that will leave me pondering. What does it do for you?