The second gallery, "Beautiful Imperfections" featured a solo artist Tin. His work has a Steampunk influence. Tin's statement was about human striving for perfection. Tin quoted on Copro's press release, "In regards to the title of the show, "perfection" has been misused many times especially in the area of body image. In the past centuries certain body types have been described as perfect, giving woman of all ages a hate or dislike for their body shape, when the face is NO human is perfect. We can only strive to be "Beautiful Imperfections."
Live music by "Hollywood Squaretet". And the most anticipated moment, food by Kogi Taco Truck, and I quote, "I have found another comfort food to add to my list." Kogi is a Korean and Mexican fusion. Kogi is a truck which is driven around the city and parked for a few hours in different locations. Locations is only given through their website and twitter. It was nice to finally taste the rave.
All in all, it was a fun night, crowded, loud music, drinks, and good food. The show will continue until August 1st.